Re-Livestock Tool

Re-Livestock Tool (click here to access)

As part of the Re-Livestock project we are responsible for coordinating data collection from innovative livestock farms. The aim of the data collection is to   characterise and monitor the performance of the mitigation and adaptation potential of each farm. The data feeds into other tasks in the project, including a Multicriteria Assessment of farm sustainability that will identify potential trade-offs between sustainability dimensions. The results of the assessments will also be used in farmer workshops to stimulate discussions around sustainability and resilience against climate change.


The data collection tool we have developed, in partnership with University of Reading and the Organic Research Centre, builds on the existing Public Goods Tool . We have gone through a process of consultation with project partners and case study facilitators to adapt the UK-focused PG Tool to Europe-wide coverage, to streamline the data collection and to reduce the burden on partners and farmers alike. The on-line tool is multi-lingual, and adapts to the farm system being assessed, by filtering out questions and categories that aren’t relevant e.g. questions relating to land management are hidden for land-less systems, dairy cow questions are hidden for pig-only systems. The on-line format also eases the data collation and analysis process, and reduces the scope for user-input errors. Going forward, once data collection for the project is completed, the Tool will remain available with open access to provide a legacy of the project and a starting point for future sustainability assessments.